Committee Member

Quay Stauffer
Allegheny Children’s Initiative
Quay is currently a blended service coordinator with Allegheny Children’s Initiative. He identifies as a queer trans man. Quay’s friends would describe them as a loud and vibrant ray of sunshine. Quay is also known to the public as Micah Sanova - a drag king and a singer/songwriter in the Pittsburgh area. They joined this committee to collaborate with a group of like-minded individuals passionate about creating spaces that are truly more inclusive for the trans community. Fitness is essential to their life because it’s a positive coping mechanism. Exercising in a space that is trans-centric will allow for comfortability to push himself to limits without fear or persecution. Their favorite ways to exercise are to box and step. Quay is excited to have a trans-inclusive space to further build strength and endurance, and overall maintain their lifestyle.